Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care
There are a number of well respected hospitals and nationally known cancer care centers – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Johns Hopkins– that utilize Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in their cancer care regimens.
Getting back to family and work life during and after treatments is one of the key concerns many patients mention during their journey with cancer. Acupuncture helps to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects for patients and their families so they can feel stronger and heal.
Herbs and supplements, when chosen wisely, help boost the body’s natural capacity to heal by raising energy levels and enhancing immune function. Herbs and acupuncture can also improve sleep and mood.
Lisa’s caring acupuncture touch, her deep, intuitive knowledge of herbal remedies and dietary considerations has been instrumental in my full recovery from skin cancer surgery and subsequent radiation. I have been lucky to have her as a care giver. – G.K.
Positive Effects of Acupuncture in Cancer Care
Acupuncture care can be used to decrease common side effects
of cancer treatment such as:
- Lack of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dry mouth
- Debilitating fatigue
- Depression
- Post-operative pain
- Post anesthesia constipation
- Lowered immunity
- Decreased blood cell counts
Acupuncture has been scientifically and clinically proven to be safe and effective for:
- Reducing the need for pain medications.
- Reducing stress and improving restorative sleep.
- Increasing the body’s innate healing functions.
- Reducing side effects of conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation.
- Improving clinical outcomes in cancer care.
Integrating Acupuncture into Cancer Care, National Center for Biotechnology Information
Cancer: In Depth, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health