When you have an autoimmune disorder, one part of the body is essentially not recognizing another. This is where pathology often arises. Acupuncture and TCM work to balance and harmonize the body’s systems to create a “return to balance” by resolving conflict within the body. This will promote a better quality of life and decrease pain and inflammation. TCM and acupuncture can also reduce side effects of medications, support the immune system and assist with some emotional aspects that can accompany autoimmune disease, such as depression and anxiety.
Along with acupuncture, herbs and food therapy are often used to promote healing. We also discuss how to reduce toxic exposures in daily life that may aggravate autoimmune disorders and increase symptom expression.
Some common autoimmune diseases that acupuncture and TCM can help include multiple sclerosis, Epstein-Barr, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosis, celiac disease, and Hashimotos thyroiditis.